Global Studies Portfolio, Prepared by Jessica Albon
Portfolio Projects

Art 329: Art as Energy: Comparing African masks and Aboriginal Dreamings
GS 330: The Power of Image: Parallels and Symmetry in Raise the Red Lantern
Lit 342: Negritude: A black and white issue?
Hum 375: The Inherent Value of a Species: An argument
Com 385: Missing Masterpiece: A hyperfiction for kids ages 8-12
GS 410: Good Medicine?: The Impact of Gender on Women

GS 450: Fighting Third World Poverty: Comparing the World Bank and the Grameen Bank to Find Solutions
GS 450: The Impact of Capitalism: An Examination of the Past Five Hundred Years

All projects copyright
2000-2001, Jessica Albon.
All rights reserved.
To request permission to reprint or link to anything at this site, please email:

After one and one quarter years as a Global Studies major at National University, I am grateful for this chance to reflect on what I have learned, if only because this reflection allows me a chance to see how much there is left to learn about the world around me.

I believe this program has encouraged me to be more mindful of the global impact of individual decisions and attitudes. As a result of my time in this program, I am more aware of many serious global concerns, but I am also more aware of the ways my actions can work together with the actions of other individuals to enable change.

This portfolio includes those projects which I feel represent my best work in the global studies program. Though I would likely construct very different projects now that I am nearly finished with the program, I feel the projects selected for inclusion are very honest attempts to understand the challenges inherent in the changing of global relationships.

I have had the opportunity to take courses from some very gifted professors during this time and am infinitely grateful for the skills and techniques they taught me.

Should you wish to comment on this portfolio, feel free to contact me at:

Thank you for your attention,

Jessica Albon's signature
September 1, 2001

*Please note, Web Enrichments (cited in the bibliographies of many of the papers here) were created by the National University Global Studies professors and are not available for individuals not currently in the specific course they were created for.