Paper Title: The Inherent Value of a Species

Works Consulted

American Association for the Advancement of Science. “Primate Genus Sheds Light on Great Ape and Human Origins.” Science Daily Magazine. August 31, 1999. Downloaded May 24, 2001.

Competing Theories of Evolution Web Enrichment. Downloaded May 24, 2001.

Effects of Biodiversity Loss Web Enrichment. Downloaded May 28, 2001.

Ethical Theory in Rolston. Downloaded May 28, 2001.

Endangered Species, updated April 23, 1997. Downloaded May 28, 2001.

Green Peace Downloaded May 29, 2001.

Levine, Herbert M. Animal Rights. Austin: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1998.

Sierra Club Downloaded May 29, 2001.

The Origins of Taxonomy of Species, downloaded May 24, 2001.

Van DeVeer, Donald & Christine Pierce. The Environmental Ethics and Policy Book. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1998.

What is a Species? Downloaded May 24, 2001.

Who has Interests Web Enrichment. Downloaded May 24, 2001.